Finally!! An Update

Thursday, October 28, 2010
So I am the worst blogger ever - oh well.  Hopefully all the good news I have for Gracie's loyal following will help make up for my delinquency.  Let's start off today with Grace's belly surgery -part deux.  On September 20th we dragged ourselves back to Riley for the final closure of the omphalocele.  Despite being NPO until afternoon, Grace was a well behaved angel.  Dad was out of his mind with boredom and true-to-form was less well behaved.  The surgery went well, with a successful reduction of what was left of her omphalocele and the creation of a new belly-button.  Thank you Dr. Rescorla!  Now Grace has something to pierce when she becomes a rebellious teenager.

Her post-op recovery went well.  Grace doesn't complain too much and we got out of there by Friday.  We can add yet another unit in Riley to our list of floors Grace has been on.  Grace has done wonderfully since she has been home.  She is now walking with her walker and cruising a little with the couch and coffee table for support. She is correctly identifying letters of the alphabet and still knows more sign language than Daddy.  I wish I could say that sleep is improving.  Monitors and oxygen at night are still the status quo.  Grace also started waking up in the middle of the night for an hour or two which is tiresome, but finally improving.  Personally I think this surgery impacted Grace more than her previous visits to Riley.  Probably because she is getting older and more aware of what is going on.  She has been a little needier.  Part of it could be just that she is turning two!

I will post some pictures this week and even a video of her on her walker.