Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Once again, I apologize for the delay in publishing, but I do have an excuse. We just got back from our first family vacation! Yup, Grace went down to sunny Florida for a week of sun and fun. We did all kinds of things that we weren't supposed to do. Mommy and Daddy are not very good at following the rules, so Grace went for her first swim in the ocean. She has already been in a pool, so that was no biggie for her, but we included some pictures anyway. The other couple in the pool with her is David and Shelly, our friends from Denver who stopped in to meet Grace and hang with Mom and Dad. Grace also met her Uncle Sam and Aunt Juanita. Pics of that meeting in the next post since we are reaching our acceptable upload limit at this point.
Grace tolerated car travel well, thanks to her new car seat. That thing has been a God send! She also learned to sit by herself for extended periods. Very cool! Finally, her quarterly ultrasound to check for tumors was negative. Overall, a great October for Grace.