Missed My Little One Today

Thursday, December 18, 2008
For only the second day since she had been born, I missed seeing my little Grace today. I am on call tonight, and we have been having terrible weather so the slip and fall injuries have been piling up. I didn't get home until 9:30 and was just too whipped to go in. Deb on the other had has yet to miss a day and spent some nice quality time with her daugher, so Grace is far from neglected. Grace met with neurosurgery today who are not worried about hydrocephalus - yet. They will follow her with serial ultrasounds as planned.
Tomorrow we are trying to schedule a "care conference" to get a fix on what Grace's long-term needs will be. It is nice to be thinking of after NICU needs. Pleasantly optimistic. Hopefully we will not have to cancel due to my work schedule. So if you live in the South Indianapolis area, do me a favor and stay home tonight and save yourself a broken hip or wrist. Grace and I thank you. Good Night, and be safe.