Tuesday, December 2, 2008
No that doesn't stand for "public display of affection". Although it used to in my day.
It looks like the next hurdle will definitely be the PDA. This is of course Grace's first surgery and we are nervous. Crazy nervous. Not sure when it will happen. We got the impression it would be in the next day or two, but our nurse tonight thought it would be next week. I am starting to understand some of the frustration my patients feel when they deal with the medical professions. You can never talk to a doctor, you usually get some sugar-coated pablum instead of the truth, and in reality nobody knows the answer anyway. I always find it difficult when my patients ask me percentages, but we are dying to know what her chances are at this point. Maybe they should just make something up. That would at least shut me up.
Grace herself is a wild child. While we were sitting with her this evening she whipped her head around and disconnected the vent. She kicks, grabs, twists and does everything but a back flip. That's my girl!