Oh the Drama!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
The last few days, we have been dealing with a saga of proportions not seen since The Great Depression. Due to a prescription error we overdosed Gracie on her iron and she has not passed anything from below in 4 days. To say that she is angry would only just touch on the amount of screaming and wailing our bound-up little fighter has dealt us this week.

However, the constipation saga appears to have an end in sight - pun intended. I know you are all watching this with the same concern and scrutiny with which you are monitoring the banking crisis so I am keeping you informed. After two nights of minimal sleep, constant soothing, bouncing, patting and cuddling, as well as several ounces of prune juice, Gracie managed to squeek out a poo. Now it was not much, but it seemed to provide instant relief and she has been sleeping soundly for 3 hours for the first time in days. Deb actually cried when she found out Grace had her little BM. What has life become?

You will also be glad to hear that this crisis was fixed with a 72 cent bottle of prune juice which we paid for in cash. It will not be financed, rolled up into shady investment schemes, charged to tax payers, or included in any bail out plan.