Coming Home

Thursday, March 19, 2009

You would not believe the amount of equipment we are going to have delivered just so Grace can come home. Let's see if I can list it all: pulse oximeter, apnea monitor, oxygen, humidifier, portable suction machine, ambu bag, aerosolizer, and all the assorted equipment that goes with all these things. Basically we are our own little mini hospital room. Sometimes Deb and I wonder how we are going to manage. We do get some nursing assistance, but that won't last forever. How you would manage this without insurance is beyond contemplation.

If you read our earlier posts you realize that we hoped that Grace's trach would make life easier for both her and us. At this stage we are far from convinced that this was the best idea. Grace does not seem to be any less oxygen dependent and there is far more equipment, monitors and the like than ever before. How this can be better for her is beyond me.

We continue to be blessed by the support of friends and family. Grace has had many visitors and for this we feel truly fortunate. Regardless of how difficult and stressful this is at times, we are reminded how lucky we are to have her in our lives. We are the richer for it.

Today's picture is of Grace trying to suckle (unsuccessfuly) from her stuffed inchworm.