Started Bad; Ended Better

Monday, March 23, 2009
Grace had a rough night last night. She managed to decannulate herself three times in the last 24 hours. "Decannulate" is med speak for pulling her trach tube out. The last time was the most dramatic and occurred with Deb in the room and a Code Blue called as our little sweetie turned herself blue. She came through fine, but that has got us transferred out of the regular infant unit and into the Infant ICU. We are actually happy about this. There are only 6 beds in the unit and each nurse has only 2 kids. All the kids have trachs and are there with their parents to be trained to go home on ventilators. Of course we are aware that means Grace will be going home on a ventilator, even if it is on low settings. Deb and I have to be trained and comfortable managing the vent and we have another bunch of hoops to jump through to get Gracie home. I anticipate that it will be another couple of weeks before we get out her out of there. We think our little girl will get a lot more attention now and should be better equipped to come home soon.