Deb's Big Day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
I have to admit, I am extremely jealous. While I was working today Deb got to hold little Grace for about and hour and a half. Deb just glowed to describe it and we have a picture or two below to prove it. (Can you see her glowing?) Deb couldn't believe how small and fragile she felt. Grace enjoyed the visit with Mom too, of that I am certain.
Apparently the isolette (box she sleeps in) was having trouble maintaining its heat settings, so while they exchanged it for a new one, Deb got to hold our little munchkin. I am told it will be my turn next time. Everything else goes as usual, nothing to do but watch and wait. She is tolerating the feeding well and they will increase it after 5 days. She is putting on a little weight, and getting longer. Small daily changes to the respirator seem to be tolerated well.


Erin L said...

You look so happy!

Grandma Boyers said...

Congratulations Deb and Grace. I bet that felt SO good for both of you. Much Love G'ma B.XXXXX