Elizabeth Grace Williams is Here!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
So much for holding out for 32 weeks. Elizabeth Grace Williams made her self known today at 4:48 a.m. via emergent c-section after Deb started having signs of infection. Deb is doing well and up and about only hours after having surgery with absolutely no whining. She's a tough one. "Grace" as we are calling her is now intubated in the neonatal intensive care unit and holding her own. She was 2 lbs, 13 oz at birth. Her poor little lungs are undeveloped and will need the assistance of a ventilator for several weeks to come. "Born unto trouble" she is. Fortunately Grace is in the caring hands of the nurses and neonatologists at Riley Children's Hospital and looks to be there for some time to come. Mom should be coming home on Wednesday, but is recouping for now at IU Medical Center. Your love support, phone calls, prayers and best wishes are always appreciated as Grace starts her little life the hard way. Some early pictures are below.