
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It looks as if Grace is tolerating her tube feeds okay. She is getting them at a very low rate at this point, but we are glad to see her getting some real food into her stomach instead of nutrition by vein. I guess at this point it is in addition to the nutrition by IV, but you get the gist.
An abdominal ultrasound showed an increase in her kidney size, probably duet to vesico-ureteral reflux. This is a condition where urine flows from the bladder back up to the kidney due to a faulty valve at the junction of the bladder and the ureter. This can resolve on its own, but for now (as with everything), we are watching it.
Grace seems to be growing. She is quite tall (long?) and lean and looks so different from two weeks ago. Deb and I think she looks even cuter than ever and I will try and get some new pictures tomorrow.