Little Grace continues to hang in there after a difficult first day. She is still on a special ventilator and still needs medication to keep her blood pressure up. We remain optimistic and your love and support has been welcome and appreciated. Hopefully they will let Deb come home today. She has been at Gracie's side for hours and I know she is ready to come home.
The picture above is Grace holding her mom's hand. It is so difficult to see her with all the tubes and iv's attached. Going to have to get used to that.
Great job Deb. Thanks for keeping us informed on Graces progress.
Hello, Tim & Deb. This is Aiko from CME&I at Riverside. Just want to say, I have the deepest respect & admiration for you both in sharing all your progress here with Grace. Grace is absolutely divine! Sending you lots of great energy and prayers, love.
Warmest regards,
Aiko Yonamine
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