I Lied

Friday, January 2, 2009
Okay, I lied. It will not be two days until the next post. See what happens when we say we are going on cruise control. Grace throws us a curve. With it being the new year, we have a new attending in the NICU, and he has decided that Grace is ready for a trial without CPAP. Now, we are realistic and know that she might fail, but she has been off all afternoon and was doing well at last report. The little girl just has to learn to breathe on her own. We will keep you posted.

In the meantime, Israel continues to bomb Gaza and the Palestinians continue to lob poorly aimed rockets (ineffectually) into Israel. The Israelis can never be said to be soft about protecting their interests, but when are they going to learn that such all out aggression is bound create further extremism in the Arab/Palestinian world. On the flip side, when are the Palestinians going to learn that you can't tweak Israel and expect them to roll over and play dead.
Slightly north of all that, Russia and the Ukraine quibble over payments for natural gas and the supply to Europe is threatened. Russia is undoubtedly feeling the pinch of the drop in oil and gas prices and the worsening global economy. Putin has stayed in power thanks to a new Russian affluence that threatens to disappear as quickly as communism. Now he will have to do something to keep attention off the bad news. Hmmm, wonder what he will do? A war might do the trick.
2009 is off to an ominous start.