Miss Grace Was Badly Behaved Today

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Well -- not really. In actuality she was the darling little angel that she always is. However, she did have a sleep study today. This is where she is hooked up to an EEG monitor and multiple other monitors and we see how many episodes of apnea she has in 3 hours. She did not do very well and had multiple instances of obstructive apnea. This means that she can't hold her airway open very well and tends to desaturate a lot. It certainly means she won't be ready to go home for a while. She was put back on the vapotherm to rest her a little and help keep her airway open with higher pressure air flow. She gets to try again in a few weeks.
She was also evaluated by ENT. They agreed with the plan to watch her, but if it does not resolve at some point, then they would recommend a tracheostomy. Deb and I are not thrilled about this idea, but hopefully it won't be necessary.
She also had an eye exam to day which showed some early signs of retinopathy of prematurity. Nothing that need treated at this point, but she needs to go back to weekly checks now.
Finally, she had a spinal ultrasound to evaluate her for spina-bifida since she has a dimple on her butt (sorry). No spina bifida, but she might have a tethered spinal cord which can be a problem later. They want to get an MRI of the spine when they MRI her head to confirm this. A tethered cord often needs to be released later in life to avoid neurological deficits. Yup, another surgery. Rough day.


Anonymous said...

Tim & Deb, Hopefully as she gets stronger so will her breathing. Thinking of you as always! Take care, and we love you guys.